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Pikesville, MD Employment Law Attorneys

Pikesville Employment Lawyers for Employees and Employers

Employees are essential components of a successful business, and they deserve to be properly compensated for the work they perform while being treated with respect by their employers. Unfortunately, some employees may encounter concerns that affect the wages they receive, their ability to perform work effectively, or their rights in the workplace. In Pikesville, Maryland, Freedman Law, LLC can help employees address a wide range of employment-related issues, ensuring that they can take steps to protect their rights and resolve disputes with their employers. We can also help employers respond to employee complaints and address allegations that they have violated employment laws. Our attorneys can provide the legal representation needed to navigate these challenges effectively.

Understanding Wrongful Termination and Retaliation

Being fired or laid off can be very distressing for employees. In Maryland, as in most states, employment is typically "at-will," and an employer can terminate an employee for any reason or no reason at all, as long as a termination does not violate the law. However, there are exceptions to this rule, and wrongful termination can occur in situations such as:

  • Retaliation: Employers cannot legally terminate an employee because the employee engaged in legally protected activities, such as filing a complaint about workplace safety, reporting discrimination, or participating in a sexual harassment investigation.
  • Violation of public policy: If an employee is terminated for refusing to engage in illegal activities or for exercising their legal rights (such as voting or serving on a jury), this may be considered wrongful termination.
  • Breach of an employment contract: If an employee has a contract that outlines specific terms for termination, and the employer violates those terms, the employee may have grounds for a wrongful termination claim.

If you believe you have been wrongfully terminated, Freedman Law, LLC can help you understand your legal options. We can help compile documentation such as performance reviews and gather other relevant evidence to demonstrate that you were fired for illegal reasons. We will work to build a strong case on your behalf that will allow you to recover compensation or be reinstated to your job.

Identifying and Addressing Workplace Discrimination

Employees have the right to work in an environment that is free from discrimination. Some common forms of discrimination include:

  • Racial discrimination: Employees may be treated unfavorably because of their race, nationality, ethnicity, skin color, or genetic makeup. They may experience harassment, or they may not receive the same opportunities as people of other races.
  • Gender discrimination: Employees may experience unequal treatment or harassment based on gender, sex, or gender identity. These issues may also include unfair treatment related to pregnancy or harassment based on sexual orientation.
  • Age discrimination: Adverse actions may be taken against employees because of their age. Older workers may be forced into early retirement, denied opportunities, or receive unequal pay.
  • Religious discrimination: Discriminatory practices may be based on an employee's religious beliefs or practices. Employers may allow harassment against certain employees or refuse to allow employees to observe religious holidays.
  • Disability discrimination: Some employees may be treated unfairly because of disabilities, or employers may refuse to provide reasonable accommodations to ensure that employees can perform work correctly.

If you are experiencing discrimination at work, it is important to take steps to protect your rights. Freedman Law, LLC can guide you through the process of filing a discrimination claim, and we will advocate on your behalf to help you obtain remedies such as back pay, reinstatement, and compensation for emotional distress.

Navigating Severance, Non-Disclosure, and Non-Compete Agreements

When an employment relationship ends, whether through resignation, retirement, or termination, an employee may be presented with a severance agreement. This is a legal contract that will outline the terms under which the employee will receive severance pay or benefits, as well as any restrictions that the employee agrees to. Severance agreements often include clauses related to non-disclosure or non-compete agreements, which can have significant implications for the employee's future employment prospects.

Freedman Law, LLC can review the terms of a severance agreement to ensure that they are fair and in your best interest. We can help you understand the limitations of non-disclosure or non-compete agreements and ensure that they will not unfairly restrict your ability to find future employment. If necessary, we can negotiate with your employer to secure more favorable terms and ensure that you will be provided with the proper compensation.

Other Employment Law Issues Freedman Law, LLC Can Assist With

Our attorneys can provide legal assistance with a wide range of employment-related concerns in Pikesville, including:

  • Family Medical Leave: Employees who work for eligible employers can take unpaid leave for personal reasons, and they will have the right to return to their jobs. Freedman Law, LLC can help ensure that your rights to take family medical leave are upheld, especially if your employer denies leave or retaliates against you.
  • Wage Theft: Some employers may not pay employees the full wages they are owed. Wage theft may involve issues such as unpaid overtime, withholding of wages, or unauthorized deductions. Freedman Law, LLC can assist you in filing a wage and hour claim to recover lost wages.
  • Sexual Harassment: If you have experienced quid pro quo harassment or a hostile work environment involving issues such as unwanted sexual advances or inappropriate comments, Freedman Law, LLC can help you take action to stop the harassment and recover financial compensation.

Contact Our Pikesville, Maryland Wrongful Termination and Discrimination Lawyers

Whether you are an employee who has been treated unfairly or an employer seeking to resolve employment law disputes, Freedman Law, LLC can provide you with effective legal representation. Reach out to us at 410-290-6230 to set up a consultation and get help with your employment law concerns.

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