What To Do If You Have Been Sexually Harassed at Work
Sexual harassment is a significant issue in the workplace, accounting for just under thirty percent of all harassment charges filed with the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission. Workplace sexual harassment at work is illegal and actionable, meaning you may make a claim in court if it is not properly managed. If you have been the victim of sexual harassment in the workplace, our experienced Rockville, MD employment law attorney can advise you on the steps you should take to protect yourself legally.
What is Workplace Sexual Harassment?
Employees have the right to work free of unwanted sexual comments, physical contact, or sexual advances. Employees who experience sexual harassment are likely to face emotional suffering and may face fear of retaliation and lost wages if they report the harassment. There are two types of sexual harassment at work:
Hostile Work Environment
A hostile work environment occurs when unwanted sexual conduct is so severe that it interferes with your ability to do your job. This encompasses harassment such as repeated offensive jokes, inappropriate comments, or unwanted physical contact.
Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment
Quid pro quo sexual harassment occurs when your job performance, benefits, or advancement are tied to a request or expectation to give unwanted sexual favors.
What Should You Do If You Face Workplace Sexual Harassment?
Tell the harasser to stop: If possible and you feel safe doing so, calmly and assertively tell the harasser to stop the harassing behavior.
Complain to a supervisor: If telling the harasser to stop is not an option, or if the harassment does not stop when you ask the harasser to stop, complain to your supervisor. This step is crucial to preserving your rights to sue your employer in any future lawsuit. Before doing so, consult any internal policies for reporting sexual harassment and follow those policies.
Speak to an employment attorney: Consult with an employment attorney as soon as possible. They will be able to explain the legal status of your claim and ensure that you do not skip any procedural requirements and meet the time limits for filing claims.
Document, document, and document some more: As soon as the harassment begins, and certainly once you complain about the harassment, document every instance of harassment and your communication about it to the harasser and employer.
File a complaint with the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission: This is usually a requirement if you wish to file a lawsuit.
Call a Rockville, MD Employment Law Attorney
If you have been the victim of sexual harassment at work, you may be worried about losing your job or facing further harassment. The experienced Montgomery County, MD employment law attorney at Freedman Law, LLC can advise you of your rights and the steps you should take in this situation. Call our offices for a consultation today at 410-290-6232.